A Few Drinks In …Glasgow

Glasgow is somewhere I have visited three times but never been able to do a proper pub search -most recently (about six years ago) I was on a poorly received quiz show called Pressure Pad which was filmed in Glasgow and so I only saw the inside of a BBC studio, a hotel, and one…

A few drinks in …Warrington

Warrington, the town of my father’s people, and where he has his shop, Premierfoto, on the mezzanine of the new market. (Promotional consideration supplied by Premierfoto). Herewithin lies a craft pub crawl for your amusement, a Kenny H classic crawl, recommended measure a pint per stop, took us from 2.50pm to 8pm inclusive. Participants: Kirsty,…

January Trying, Drying, and Tipping

It’s been a while since regular updates were made to this blog, partly due to the fact I was being paid to write and so didn’t have time to supply my brilliance for free, and partly due to a global pandemic which has killed millions and crippled the hospitality industry. But now, when the government…

The Pints I Have Missed The Most

The ‘missed the train’ pint Since getting a promotion and a pay rise I have done what many working class people do and tried desperately to avoid working class people. Instead of the bus (albeit the wifi enabled fancy express bus with nightclub style lighting) I now get the train, and pay over a ton…

The Public House That Roared

In 1946 George Orwell wrote a sweet little missive for the Evening Standard about his favourite pub, the Moon Under Water. He speaks warmly of the Victorian style decor, the friendly barmaids, the food, the cheap beers and the absence of any intrusive piped music. The twist comes at the end of the short piece…

Lockdown Sinks The Booze – Month 1

Ironically, the one time I have very little to report because of pubs being closed is the one time I actually have time to write more, because my workplace closed on Friday March the 20th. My last pub visit was on Thursday March 19th as I had my regularly scheduled night in the Society Tap…

Liverpool Beer Festival 2020

When you’ve been to as many beer festivals as I have (roughly 4000), it is possible to get to saturation point. I had never been to a beer festival in the metropolitan cathedral, and I wanted to go, but I knew it would be a CAMRA festival quite similar to most.  How to shake things…

Evil and Supermarkets on Smithdown

Working in Liverpool means that people assume you’re an expert on the whole city’s beer, when in fact I tend to rattle around the same city centre sites. Not through choice you understand, but another side effect of working in Liverpool is that people warn you to steer clear of certain areas, and these are,…

A brewdogging in Sheffield

A few months ago, my beer wife Karen sent me a link and asked “Would this be something you’d be interested in?” It seemed to be an event in Sheffield involving beer and dogs and so I said “Absolutely!” and booked a train. I didn’t find out until the day before that what I was…

The Goal Count challenge 2019-20

Ever thought about cutting down on the amount you drink? I know for a beer blog this seems like a sure-fire recipe to generate lots of loud tutting, but those of us for whom the consumption of beer is part of our identity can sometimes find it tough to regulate how much we drink, and…

A few drinks in…Alcudia

If you’re a subscriber you might be surprised to see me popping into your inbox today. After a short hiatus while I got to grips with my new job I made a triumphant one blog return before getting massively overwhelmed with work again, but as you know, all teachers have massive fifteen week long holidays…